Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Storyline: using a multiple choice free form to create a one page, multiple question, multiple point quiz

I received a message through the Articulate Community forums from Veronica...she had created a pretty cool quiz, but was having trouble getting the Storyline Results Slide to calculate the score.

I'm a firm believer that Storyline can accomplish pretty much anything...sometimes you just have to attack the problem from a different angle.

So, to solve Veronica's problem, we added a 'fake' Multiple Choice free form question to her cool quiz slide, then created triggers to set one of the 6 multiple choice rectangle choices to 'selected' when certain criteria were met.  

It's similar to this true/false idea from the forums by Steve Flowers.  Doing this allowed Storyline to pass what it saw as a 'multiple choice' score to the Results slide when the interaction was submitted, resolving the scoring issue.

Here's what the question slide looked like, with each correct answer earning 10 points:

Also, Button Sets work really well in this situation...each potential answer pair (Yes and No)  is set as a button set which allows Storyline to change the state from Normal to Selected and vice versa automatically...without using triggers.  Cool, huh?

Instead of explaining everything, I thought I'd provide you with the actual .story file so you could tear it apart:   https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16149154/ShareFiles/MCForPartialScoring.story

There's probably other ways of accomplishing this interaction.  Whats' your favorite?

Just another success story with Articulate Storyline!

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